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Client Server


Vec3 ScreenToWorldRay(Vec2)

Converts a 2D screen percentage coordinate(i.e from Input:MousePosPerc()) to a 3D world space ray (Vec3), used for determining 3D locations from screen interactions.

Vec2 WorldToScreen(Vec3)

Transforms a 3D world coordinate (Vec3) to a 2D screen space percentage coordinate(range 0-1), useful for positioning ui elements like text above a 3D object on the screen.

Vec3 WorldToScreen3f(Vec3)


Object object

Reference to object instance

boolean isDestroyed

Indicates whether the object is destroyed (true) or not (false).

string type

Specifies the object's type as a string, useful for type identification.

boolean Active

boolean ActiveInHierarchy

Object Object

boolean IsDestroyed

string Type

number fovY

Defines the vertical field of view in degrees

Transform transform